To deal effectively and meaningfully with the realities of our life and times, we must learn to see the world anew.

Sphericity is a guided process that replaces the harmful illusions of the past with a clear understanding of the complex, interconnected, interdependent, unpredictable, and diverse world we live in.

“No problem can be solved from the same
consciousness that created it.
We must learn to see the world anew.”


Sphericity paints a picture of the world as it isnot as
it was.

Sphericity is a process for creating context in a world that no longer supplies clear direction and precise behavioral guidelines.

See your life, nature, society and organizations as they are, not as they were. See the Sphere.

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In this concise, illustrated work exploring the dynamics of living in the 21st century,
Phil Lawson and Robert L. Lindstrom explain why, as individuals and societies, we appear to be perilously out of phase with the realities of our time. The authors show us why, if we are to live well and meaningfully in this dawning era of interconnection, we require a dramatic transformation in the way we see, think and act.