a physical form, spheres and their 2D representations (circles)
have been around since the beginning of time. As a symbolic image
the sphere appears throughout human history and human thought
with unrivalled frequency. When we look around we see the sphere
in physics, biology, psychology, mythology, cosmology and just
about every other ology under the sun and including the sun.
As a symbolic representation of three-dimensional space, the sphere
encompasses all things knowablethe
atom, the cell, the earth, the sky and the universe. The sphere
is the great container of all that is available to our senses
and our scientific sensors.
In the world of time, the circle represents the beginning, the
end and a return to the beginning. The sphere and the circle represent
both the journey and the destination.
What is it that makes the sphere so pervasive and so mighty? Why
does it appear with such regularity and prominence in every culture,
region, faith and epoch? Why does the sphere inhabit even our
Because, when thinking about the sphere, or when using it to describe
our experience, we are contemplating the totality of interconnection.
In the sphere, we see everything in relationship to everything
In the sphere we see the patterns of being.

you see the earth from the moon, you dont see any divisions
there of nations or states .This might be the symbol, really,
for the new mythology to come.