The Personal SMT depicted here, which has been simplified to make it
more readable at this size, shows the four fundamental aspects of self
typically identified in peoplephysical,
emotional, intellectual and spiritualas
sectors. It also includes the sectors of personal fulfillment, relationships,
connections and genetic influences.
This Personal SMT, which is a snapshot of the guided selfevaluation
of a 25-year-old woman, shows patterns that have seriously compromised
her spherical integrity.
Notice that the sector representing the spiritual aspects of her life
sinks toward the center. Her emotional sector shows loss of contact
with her mother and siblings. She rates contact with her father at below
expectation. She identifies a previous problem with emotional abuse
by people in positions of authority.
The model also reveals that she is suffering the effects of several
traumatic events, including the violent death of an intimate friend.
The physical sector of her sphere shows a problem with substance abuse.
The SMT also depicts a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes
and alcohol abuse.
Her Personal SMT depicts the shape of the relationship between her family
history, life traumas, her relationship with her mother and father,
the overall condition of her emotional development,her sexual activity,
personal relationships and her general lack of fulfillment. Her isolation
is evident in her lack of connections to friends, community and to nature.
The overall shape of her Personal SMT reveals the patterns of a person
who lacks many of the interconnections that are important to achieving
a healthy, well-integrated life.
After this assessment, she began to attract new spheres of opportunity,
which positively influenced the shape of her own sphere. In particular
it was the strong nodes and a tensegral relationship with two extended
family members which supported her and guided her to new awareness.

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